Department Review & Reorganization
Department organizations, operating procedures and their relationship to the government administration, need to be spelled out and understood by all parties involved.
Too often, capable and conscientious department members are not fully advised of their duties, responsibilities or the chain of command. This results in duplication, overlapping and inefficiencies, as well as morale problems and loss of motivation. Industry has learned that people perform best when they know what is expected of them. Therefore, a reorganization of a department is essential to obtain maximum performance.
Responsibilities and authority must be clearly defined, and the proper interaction with other departments, committees, and advisory boards should be made clear. Objective observations of and comparisons to similar communities are considered in our review; however, the unique aspects of your community are never overlooked.
Jersey Professional Management’s review and recommendations will assure you of the effective and productive functioning of your municipal departments. We will determine if there is a need for additional staff or the possibility of downsizing without the loss of effectiveness.
Details are available to you for your review. Please call or write Jersey Professional Management today.